Opening and Closing the CD-ROM Drive

Sometimes it is necessary to open or close a CD-ROM drive by its drive letter. This can be done using MCI, namely the mciExecute API function. The class CDDoorController provides a wrapper around this function that can be used to set the status of a CD-ROM drive’s door. The drive type of the drive to be opened or closed is checked and an exception is thrown if it is not a CD-ROM drive:

Public Enum CDDoorStatus
End Enum

Public Class CDDoorController

    ' Undocumented, seems to be a relict from 16-bit Windows times.
    ' 'mciSendString' can be used instead, but requires more code.
    Private Declare Function mciExecute Lib "winmm.dll" ( _
        ByVal lpstrCommand As String _
    ) As Int32

    Private Declare Auto Function GetDriveType Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _
        ByVal nDrive As String _

    Private Enum DRIVE_TYPE As Int32
        DRIVE_CDROM = 5
        DRIVE_FIXED = 3
        DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR = 1
        DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6
        DRIVE_REMOTE = 4
        DRIVE_UNKNOWN = 0
    End Enum

    Public Shared Sub SetDoorStatus( _
        ByVal Drive As String, _
        ByVal DoorStatus As CDDoorStatus _
        If Len(Drive) <> 2 AndAlso Right(Drive, 1) <> ":" Then
            Throw _
                New ArgumentException( _
                    "The value of the parameter 'Drive' must be a " & _
                    "string of length two consisting of the drive " & _
                    "letter followed by a colon ("":"")." _
        End If
        If GetDriveType(Drive & "\") <> DRIVE_TYPE.DRIVE_CDROM Then
            Throw _
                New ArgumentException( _
                    "Drive """ & Drive & """ is not a CD-ROM drive." _
        End If
        Dim ID As String = "cd_drive_" & Drive
        mciExecute("open " & Drive & ": alias " & ID & " type cdaudio")
        mciExecute( _
            "set " & ID & " door " & _
            CStr(IIf(DoorStatus = CDDoorStatus.Open, "open", "closed")) _
        mciExecute("close " & ID)
    End Sub
End Class


CDDoorController.SetDoorStatus("D:", CDDoorStatus.Open) 
CDDoorController.SetDoorStatus("D:", CDDoorStatus.Closed)